Assistant Location Manager Training

We are extremely pleased to announce the return of this highly regarded course developed by Harriet Lawrence, supported and administered by Location Collective.

The ALMT course is one of the leading location training programmes in operation. Started over 16 years ago by Film London, the curriculum was then developed by Harriet Lawrence who, with the help of the planning team, shaped it into its current format. 

In 2020 Location Collective joined forces with Harriet to revive this essential programme to ensure the next generation of Assistant Location Managers have the tools to fully succeed in their careers. Together we strive to maintain the high standard of quality crew the UK is known for.

Find out more about the course and who is involved in its development, delivery and support – including some of the best in the business!

Applications for 2023 / 2024 course are now closed.

Register your interest for 2025/ 2026

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Topics include

CommunicationsLocation scoutingLocation photography and presentation
Health and safetyLocations and the lawFinance / location budgeting
SchedulingSecurity and traffic managementPlanning the shoot
Running the locationRunning a unit baseBeing freelance

What they say

Due to the nature of the industry, there is often no time to sit down with your seniors and thoroughly go through the expectations of your role. The course provided a fantastic way of learning this within a classroom environment, as well as trips out to locations and talks from some of the top Location Managers of that time. It provides you with many additional contacts who definitely aided in the development of my career, long after the course had finished. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and would totally recommend the course to any junior members of the location department

Lynsey Cosford, Location Manager

The course provided me with the structured personal development that professionalised and advanced my career, whilst forging an invaluable network of Assistant Location Managers that continues to collaborate across a breadth of productions

Ollie Bradbury, Assistant Location Manager