Our services

As a full-service agency, we facilitate all aspects of filming hires at locations we represent.

Our offering

Our service is start to finish, with all our owner clients benefiting from lead generation, full hire administration, full hire management, contracting, invoicing and aftercare services. Each location within our portfolio is actively put forward for any relevant industry enquiry that comes into our team, and the credentials of all potential hiring productions are checked.

All owners benefit from a search-optimised listing on our website and advice on what to include within that listing for maximum film friendliness.

For select owners we offer an Exclusive Filming Representation package. Our Acquisitions team will advise on the suitability of this offering for your site at the point of engagement.

Our fees

Our owner clients don’t pay us any fees until a filming hire is confirmed; the work required to secure a hire is provided by our team free of charge. Equally, we don’t charge productions for the initial phases of handling their enquiry (collating location options, arranging site recces, supplying images, answering queries etc).

At the point of confirmation, we take a pre-agreed percentage from the total hire fee in commission. We also charge a small booking fee to productions which helps cover overheads (we don’t charge a booking fee to Collective members).

We are on Instagram

Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger are returning to our screens for Strike: The Ink Black Heart. 🎬Filmed @ Ravenscourt Park Hospital#filmproduction #locationmanager #filminglocation #tvproduction #hospitaldouble

Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger are returning to our screens for Strike: The Ink Black Heart. 🎬

Filmed @ Ravenscourt Park Hospital

#filmproduction #locationmanager #filminglocation #tvproduction #hospitaldouble